What Time Does the Louisiana Arts and Crafts Festival Close at South Live Oak Elementary
Cajun Craft Festival | Photo gallery
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Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival
Due south Alive Oak students and their families gather for the annual Cajun Craft Festival in Watson on Fri, April 13.
S Live Oak Elementary
Southward Live Oak student Blayne Ritchey, ten, aims at cup targets while playing a game at the annual Cajun Craft Festival in Watson on Friday, April 13.
South Alive Oak Uncomplicated
Brogan Spears, 3, catches a motorized fish while playing a carnival game the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival at South Alive Oak Elementary on Friday, Apr 13.
S Live Oak Elementary
Jesse Dauzat (centers) catches a motorized fish in a net while Aiden (left), v, watches and Chandler, 3, plays with the water at the annual Cajun Craft Festival at S Alive Oak Elementary on Fri, April 13.
Due south Alive Oak Elementary
Children walk across a rope and wood bridge on 1 of the attractions at the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival at South Alive Oak Simple on Fri, April 13.
Due south Alive Oak Elementary
South Alive Oak Elementary teachers wrapped items donated past parents to sale off during the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival in Watson on Friday, April 13.
South Live Oak Elementary
South Live Oak Simple teachers wrapped items donated by parents to auction off during the almanac Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival in Watson on Fri, April 13.
South Live Oak Elementary
Off-white goers participates in teacher-run games at the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival at South Live Oak Elementary on Friday, April thirteen.
South Live Oak Elementary
Southward Live Oak Elementary student Sydnie Inglis, 6, slides downward an inflatable slide at the almanac Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival in Watson on Friday, April 13.
South Alive Oak Unproblematic
Kelly Jones paints Addison Girouard'southward, half dozen, hair red during the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival at South Live Oak Elementary on Friday, April 13.
Due south Alive Oak Elementary
Kameryn Barnett, seven, stays notwithstanding while getting her face painted during the annual Cajun Craft Festival at Southward Live Oak Elementary on Friday, Apr 13.
South Live Oak Elementary
Southward Alive Oak Simple pupil David O'Bryant, 10, climbs upwardly an inflatable slide at the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival in Watson on Fri, April 13.
South Live Oak Simple
Arts and craft vendors lined the halls of South Live Oak Unproblematic during the annual Cajun Arts and Crafts Festival in Watson on Friday, April 13.
Source: https://www.livingstonparishnews.com/gallery/cajun-arts-and-crafts-festival-photo-gallery/collection_110e22aa-4017-11e8-9cfd-7f7863cd87c3.html
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